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A small and handy screen orientation utility.


Tap’n’Turn is a small utility that has been created to help you to manage your screen orientation. Android offers you two options: lock or auto rotate. Depending on your usage, that might be sufficient. However, there are usecases, when auto-rotation kicks in in the wrong moment, for example when lying horizontally in your bed. Disabling auto rotation altogether doesn’t work for showing fotos to your relatives.

Tap’n’Turn aims to solve this problem by asking you directly when you physically rotate your device, if your intention is to change the logical screen orientation as well. It does so by displaying a little unintrusive icon in one of the corners which you can click to match the logical screen orientation to the physical screen orientation.

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Feel free to participate in any way. Translate the app, create ideas and submit patches. There is the Issue Tracker as the central place to track bugs. Further we have a channel under


The source code of Tap’n’Turn is released to public domain under the terms of the GPLv3 or newer.

The trademarks Tap’n’Turn as well as similar identifiers like TapAndTurn, Tap and Turn are owned by Matthias Gabriel. All rights are reserved. The preferred written from is Tap’n’Turn. These trademarks are used to refer to the source code, the binary releases as well as the community (herafter: the Project). You are granted the right to use these trademarks to refer to the Project in dicussions, documentations and written publications. You may not use these trademarks for binary releases without permit by the original author. If you want to distribute derived work, you have to use a different name.


You can contact me via mail gabmtuc <at> gmail <dot> com or at under